Rent Our Space
We invite you to book our gorgeous gallery for your next event...
1) Kids Birthday Paint Party (private paint event with your own group)
2) Sip n Paint (private paint event with your own group)
3) Art workshop/yoga class (artist/creative/yogis)
4) Corporate event/board meeting/fundraiser planning committee meeting
(corporate/business only, no painting)
5) Birthday/bridal/baby shower/photo shoot (social event only, no painting)
and so much more!
We have a beautiful open floor plan with a gallery in front and studio area in back
where we have table seating for up to 20.
Contact us with inquiries: twogirlswhopaint@gmail.com
Please fill out the appropriate form below and tell us more about your event
and we will send you a quote. Hourly rental fees starting at $75